EP-commissie Transport en Tourisme: Hearing binnenvaart

Brussel, Paul-Hemnri Spaak Building
18 maart 2019
Meer info:

The role of inland waterways in the intermodal transport system
In order to achieve the ambitious goals of the Union to reduce the CO2 emissions, it will be important to unleash the full potential of the inland waterway transport. Interface with other modes of transport needs to be fully interoperable and efficient in order to achieve a modal shift towards this sustainable mode of transport. Innovation in the sector, including digitalisation and modernisation of the fleet will be crucial factors to achieve these goals. 

On 18 March, experts will share their views with Members on how to make better use of inland waterway transport in the intermodal transport system and how to increase the market share of this sector to achieve the objectives of the Union to increase the efficiency and sustainability of transport, in particular with regard the transport of freight.
The hearing will take place on 18 March 2019 at 15.00 in room PHS 1A2 from where it will be webstreamed.
Draft hearing programme 
15h00 Opening by Mrs Karima DELLI, Chairwoman TRAN Committee
15h05 Introductory remarks by Ms Magda Kopczynska, European Commission
15h10 Exchange of views with stakeholders (6 minutes per speakers)
  • Sustainable intermodal transport: Karin De Schepper, Director, Inland Navigation Europe
  • Fostering innovation in the inland waterway sector (digitalisation, clean vessels, etc.): Mr Piotr Durajczyk, PhD EnG of the Maritime University of Szczecin
  • The role of inland ports: Mr Turi Fiorito, Director, The European Federation of Inland Ports
  • Efficient interfaces between modes of transport: Mr Erik L. Schultz, Vice- Chairman, Koninklijke BLN-Schuttevaer
15h35 Questions and answers (35 minutes)
16h10 Concluding remarks by the Chairwoman
16h15 End of programme 

Zie ook: EP-resolutie 
NAIADES II – Een actieprogramma ter ondersteuning van de binnenvaart